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public:about [SMART INSPECTORS]

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 ====== SMART INSPECTORS ====== ====== SMART INSPECTORS ======
-Thanks for your interest ​and coming to our website\\ We will be adding new information on our project and research in the next months so that you will always be up to date and may follow our progress.+Thanks for your interest. We will be adding new information on our project and research in the next months so that you will always be up to date and may follow our progress.
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 ===== What is SMART INSPECTORS? ===== ===== What is SMART INSPECTORS? =====
 SMART INSPECTORS is an INTERREG IV A-Project lead by the Hochschule Rhein-Waal (Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences). SMART INSPECTORS is a short form for "Smart Aerial Test Rigs with Infrared Spectrometers and Radars"​ and we are working on Fusions of Airborne Infrared Imaging Remote Sensing Instruments and Wireless Sensor Networks for Precision Agriculture and Environmental Research. \\ \\ SMART INSPECTORS is an INTERREG IV A-Project lead by the Hochschule Rhein-Waal (Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences). SMART INSPECTORS is a short form for "Smart Aerial Test Rigs with Infrared Spectrometers and Radars"​ and we are working on Fusions of Airborne Infrared Imaging Remote Sensing Instruments and Wireless Sensor Networks for Precision Agriculture and Environmental Research. \\ \\
-So we are actually developing small sensors and special cameras which can be mounted on small UAVs like e.g. microcopters so that farmers are able to see how well there plants are doing on the fields without having to take samples or waiting for a satellite to do remote sensing. \\ \\ +So we are actually developing small sensors and special cameras which can be mounted on small UAVs like e.g. microcopters so that farmers are able to see how well their plants are doing on the fields without having to take samples or waiting for a satellite to do remote sensing. \\ \\ 
-The pictures which have been taken by the sensors/​cameras ​are then forwarded to a special database where they are automatically compared to some benchmark pictures. After that the farmer ​should receive ​the result on his SmartPhone and now knows where he has to take a closer look on the plants.+The pictures which have been taken by the sensors/​cameras ​shall then be forwarded to a special database where they are automatically compared to benchmark pictures. After that the farmer ​receives ​the result on his SmartPhone and knows where he has to take a closer look on the plants.
public/about.1349096740.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/10/01 15:05 by bastian